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Baby Got Brunch 2022 | Food Festival | Victory Field

Camryn Callaghan

We had a blast serving Baby Got Brunch's annual food festival at Victory Field. Our team spent the morning pouring champagne and mixing Bloody Mary's for guests indulging in breakfast bites and spending time with friends!

collage of food

ladies laughing

Guests enjoying beverages from our bar catering team.

bartender pouring drinks

Our bar catering team busy as can be!

mimosas with breakfast

champagne cheers


guests drinking and laughing

guests sitting at a table

guests posing for a photo

The perfect place to eat and drink on a Saturday morning!

guests posing for a photo


So much yumminess!

victory field


Co-Hosts & Planning Team - Bridget Davis Events & Ashley Rose Indy

Linens: LGi Linens


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